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Southeastern Australia shivers through late season chill

The spring equinox may have passed, however temperatures are remaining unusually cold over southeastern parts of Australia, with some areas experiencing their coldest temperatures this late in the year in over a decade.

A cold airmass has been lingering over the region since the weekend, which was brought over by a cold front. This has lead to cool days, however clear skies and light winds have meant night time temperatures in particular have plummeted.

In Victoria, Nhill Airport dropped to -1.2 degrees this morning, its coldest September night in fifteen years, and coldest for any time of the year in three years. Coldstream dropped to -0.2 degrees this morning, its coldest this late in the year since 2009.

On Monday, Thredbo dropped to -9.7 degrees, Australia's lowest September temperature in half a decade.

Wednesday morning is also set to be a very cold night across the region. Model guidance suggests Coldstream could fall lower than -1 degrees, whilst Melbourne is expected to fall to 4 degrees, and Hobart 3 degrees.

Daytime temperatures will become warmer over the next two days, before another front on Friday causes chilly conditions to return until the end of the month.

Temperature forecast for Wednesday, September 26 2018


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