Leverage data-driven insights
Climatics uses observed, historical data which derives detailed extreme weather events across Australia going back decades, as well as the severe weather warnings the Early Warning Network's specialist team has been issuing since 2009.
This proprietary dataset allows us to calculate the present day risk of extreme events across Australia, identify how that hazard's frequency, intensity and duration is evolving and infer how these parameters may influence your assets' risk landscape in the next 5 years' time.

How does the technology work?
Climatics calculates a range of intelligence across 11 different hazards for any one asset. At a basic level, it identifies acute events that intersect with assets, as well as derives chronic events based on gridded data. Once all event dates and severities have been identified, Climatics will then calculate hundreds of metrics and compose figures that help to visualise the daily, monthly, seasonal, annual, and decadal trends.

Mitigate risk against your assets
By uploading your asset locations to Climatics, you can identify the likelihood of extreme events occurring and determine the level of risk exposure your business is willing to work with. The format of the information available in Climatics is designed to be easily interpretable for everyone, with interactive visualisations and a map dashboard to review the number of severe weather events and warnings that have impacted their location.
Want to know more about Climatics?
For more information about about Climatics or to a request a demonstration, please contact us and our team will be in touch